Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So this probably shouldn't even be on here, but it is my aim to review each distinct burrito of California, and I suppose SFO is part of that state. Yes, this is an airport burrito. It wasn't as disappointing as one may have expected, but it will set you back a lot.

Quality of meat (1-10) : 5.8
Obviously, they GM'd the fuck out of the carne asada. It was crafted to taste like grilled steak, in other words like charcoal. I would spend more time trying to describe it, but you already know exactly what I'm talking about.

Quality of house salsa (1-10) : 7.0
The salsa wasn't half bad. It was just the right spiciness and mixed very well. The ingredients were somewhat legit, too. Really. Go figure. But don't go out of your way just for the salsa.

Quality of guacamole (1-10) : 6.5
The guacamole was avocado. That's pretty much what guacamole is supposed to be, but, as you can imagine, it wasn't the best avocado in the world. Still, I was happy to actually receive guacamole, as promised.

Quality of chips (1-5) : 2.1
The chips were mediocre, somewhat stale, and didn't taste all that great. Sort of like if you left open a bag of tortilla chips for 6 hours.

Size/diversity of menu (1-5) : 3.2
The menu was the whitest "Mexican" food menu I've ever seen. Everything came with a salad. Everything. But they did have red snapper, shrimp, and something I've never even heard of called "guajillo chicken" wrapped up in all sorts of stuff.

Size of burrito (1-5) : 2.0
The Andalé burrito is distributed solely for gringo consumption. The burrito is sized accordingly.

Approximate price (for a standard burrito) : $11-12

Locally owned? (Y/N) : No

Satisfaction factor (1-10) : 3.9

Overall taste (1-10) : 5.4

Tasted like La Salsa, transposed upwards towards legitimacy. Nothing further.


San Francisco International Airport (SFO)


nobspierre said...

check out Gordo (one on College near Ashby and one on Solano in Albany), Cactus (one on Solano in Berkeley and one near Rockridge bart), and Picoso (in the Epicurious Garden between cedar and vine on Shattuck, across from Cheeseboard).

burrito passion.

Anonymous said...

dude did you use GM as in game master'ed? if you did your a pimp and i totally know what you mean bra ;)