Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baja Fresh

Baja Fresh is the premier burrito chain, not in the sense that it's the best, but that it's the farthest-reaching. Not for good reason. The thing about Baja Fresh burritos is that I swear they used to be good; then something changed and now they suck.

Quality of meat (1-10) : 3.0
Worse than Vallarta in Santa Cruz. Maybe. The meat is dry, tough, and flavorless.

Quality of salsa (1-10) : 7.7
So they didn't mess up the salsa, thankfully. Sadly, it's not good enough to save the rest of the burrito.

Quality of guacamole (1-10) : ?

Quality of chips (1-5) : 2.7
The chips are not great, but they're chips and they're edible and you can dip them in salsa.

Size/diversity of menu (1-5) : 2.2
More options than a soccer mom would ever need, but you aren't a soccer mom, you're a Mexican food connoisseur! The selection here fails rather epically, simply offering the same ingredients arranged in 25 different ways.

Size of burrito (1-5) : 3.5
Very standard size.

Approximate price (for a standard burrito) : $6-$7

Locally owned? (Y/N) : No

Satisfaction factor (1-10) : 4.1

Overall taste (1-10) : 3.5

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